Paweł Błaszczyk

Hi, welcome to my website!

My name is Paweł Błaszczyk, I'm a frontend developer from Poland. It's nice to see you on my blog, where I'd like to share my thoughts about the past, present, and future of the web development landmark. I always look forward to seeing new and innovative things happen on the web. Currently, I'm a hell of enthusiastic about Svelte and what it'll bring into modern front-end development. Moreover, I'm always excited about Typescript and the direction in which the JavaScript world is evolving.

I'm fond of simplifying (sometimes even oversimplifying) things, making the web as accessible as it can be (though I'm still a newbie on that one), and trying new technologies. To make my horizons wider, I'd like to try things such as Deno, Lit, GraphQL, and Vue.js.

Besides, I find testing really enjoyable and I'm hoping to learn more of it, so foresee coverage (pun intended) on that as well. Lastly, I wish you'll have a ball browsing some of my thoughts, have a nice day!

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